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1946 Birth in Lokavec, Slovenia
1957 Loss of the left eye by accident. Second accident a few months later,
with total loss of sight, resulting in two years of clinical care.
1972-76 Studies at University Paris I, « philosophy and aesthetics »
1976 Starts working for CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)
1988 Official photographer of the Month of Photography in Paris
1992 Publication of « Voyeur absolu »(‘The Absolute Seer’) - Editions du Seuil
2010 Appointed Doctor Honoris Causa by 17, Institute of Critical Studies (Mexico)
2011 Appointed Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
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When talking about someone who constantly puts himself or herself down, people often say, “He (or she) doesn’t know how good he (or she) is.” Such is not the case for Evgen Bavcar, (pronounce ‘E-oo-gen Ba-oo-char’), who knows he’s a good photographer, even though he’s never seen any of his photographs. You see: Evgen Bavcar is blind, and has been since the age of 11.